Hemmersbach Drel

Our Direct Action

Hemmersbach is a social purpose corporation and fights social and environmental issues as its core reason for existence. At Hemmersbach our work contributes to more than just making other people rich. We work hard to make the world a better place.

As The Social Purpose IT Company, our purpose is fighting injustice where authorities fail. We do this with Direct Action, without donations but self-financing and the commitment of our own colleagues. We are committed to using 20% of our annual profits for our Direct Action projects. For the good cause and where it is needed directly.

We run two Direct Actions: Hemmersbach Rhino Force in South Africa  and Hemmersbach Kids' Family in India and Poland.

Hemmersbach Rhino Force

Hemmersbach Rhino Force is our internal Direct Action conservation department protecting one of the most endangered species on earth – rhinos. 

We have a three steps approach:

  • Our elite troops protect rhinos and other wildlife from poachers in Southern Africa
  • We preserve rhino genes in our own biobank Cryovault, to protect African rhinos from extinction
  • We support local rural communities and offer them jobs and other alternatives to poaching

Every year 100 Hemmersbach colleagues from all over the world visit our projects in Southern Africa and experience how our work makes a difference there.

Hemmersbach Kids' family

Hemmersbach Kids' Family is our internal Direct Action child care department that creates a better future for street kids and orphans.

With Hemmersbach Kids' Family, we improve their living conditions and equip children homes with heaters, laundry machines and computers. We give them access to psychological care and better education to prepare them for a bright adulthood.

By the end of 2020, we've supported more than 2,400 children in Poland and India.

In India, we are building a village which will be the home for over 300 street kids who have nothing or nobody they can live with safely.

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